Barcelona is always a good idea!18.5.2015 by minttuvirtanen | Tähän pa translation - Barcelona is always a good idea!18.5.2015 by minttuvirtanen | Tähän pa English how to say

Barcelona is always a good idea!18.

Barcelona is always a good idea!

18.5.2015 by minttuvirtanen |

Tähän paikkaan ei kyllästy koskaan. Lomailin viidettä kertaa Barcelonassa ja pidän kaupungista aina enemmän kun edellisellä kerralla. Vain reilun tunnin lentomatkan päässä ja samassa paikassa on kaikki mitä saattaa lomallaan tarvita. Ilma on ihanan aurinkoinen, mutta ei kuitenkaan liian kuuma tähän aikaan vuodesta. Lähellä keskustaa on useita rantoja, mikä tekeekin kaupungista yhden parhaista kohteista yhdistää ranta- ja kaupunkiloma. Barcelonassa on ihan mahtavat ostosmahdollisuudet jos lomalla tekee mieli myös shoppailla. Täällä on tunnettujen brändien lisäksi ihania pieniä putiikkeja, mistä löytää vaatteita, mitä ei tule ihan jokaisella vastaan. Hävettää myöntää miten vähän olen käynyt tutustumassa Barcelonan useisiin historiallisiin nähtävyyksiin. Kohteita löytyy runsaasti historian nälkäisille.

You never get tired of Barcelona. This was my fifth visit and each time I love it even more. It is only a one hour flight away and has everything a holidaymaker could possibly need. The weather at this time of year is lovely and sunny but not too hot. There are several beaches close to the city center which make for a perfect combination of beach holiday and city break. If you like to shop Barcelona has it all. Of course there’s the well known high street brands, but there’s also loads of small boutiques for those special items you don’t see on every second person you meet. I am ashamed to admit how little I’ve checked out Barcelona’s historical sights. There is really a lot to do and see for those hungry for history.


Hyvällä ystävälläni on kauneushoitola Vilanovassa, noin 40 minuutin ajomatkan päässä Barcelonan keskustasta. Vietimme siellä yhden kokonaisen, rentouttavan ja nauruntäyteisen päivän. Hoitoja päästä varpaisiin ja vähän kuohujuomaa. Täydellinen tyttöjen päivä!

A good friend of mine has a beauty salon in Vilanova, which is located a 40 minute drive from the city. We spent a full day there relaxing and laughing with treatments from head to toe and some sparkling wine. A perfect girlie day!


Meillä on vene täällä Barcelonassa ja kerkesimme viettämään siellä yhden illan hyvän ruoan ja seuran parissa. Nautin todella paljon veneilystä ja tulen varmasti tekemään kesän aikana postauksen Välimereltä.

We have a boat here in Barcelona and had time to spend an evening on board with good food and great company. I really enjoy boating and will definitely post from the Mediterranean Sea this summer.


Viikonloppuna jännitettiin formulakisoja paikan päällä. Kilpaa ajamisen lisäksi paljon puhuttaa puolisoiden pukeutuminen. Omat asuvalintani tähän kisaviikonloppuun olivat tällaiset (ei ihan niitä perinteisiä asukuvia, mutta ehkä noista jonkinlaisen käsityksen saa:)

Last weekend we were at the Spanish GP. Apart from the driving, the partners outfits are a hot topic. This is the outfit I chose this weekend (not exactly the traditional outfit pics, but maybe you get an idea:)
copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images toppi BCBGMAXAZRIA housut ZARA laukku CHANEL kengät CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN

copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images
trousers ZARA

copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images toppi TIBI farkut ZARA bag VALENTINO heels CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN

copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images
top TIBI
jeans ZARA

Viikonlopun kohokohta oli ehdottomasti sunnuntaina kun juhlistettiin minun ensimmäistä äitienpäivää. Vuoden paras päivä, eikä silloin voi saada liikaa hemmottelua osakseen. Minulla on todella onnellinen ja ylpeä olo siitä, että olen saattanut tähän maailmaan niin uskomattoman suloisen ja ihanan pienen pojan. Toivottavasti kaikilla muillakin äideillä oli rakkaudentäyteinen äitienpäivä.

The highlight this weekend was definitely Sunday when we celebrated my first Mother’s Day. The best day of the year when you just can’t be spoilt enough. I am very happy and proud to have brought this wonderful little boy into the world. Hopefully all you other mothers also had a great Mother’s day full of love.



30 kommenttia

Avainsanat: äitienpäivä, Barcelona, formulat, perhe, tyyli

Pintaa ja vähän syvempää

15.5.2015 by minttuvirtanen |

Alkuun kiitos tästä mahdollisuudesta Aloitin kirjoittamaan blogia tammikuun 2015 lopussa juuri ennen esikoispoikamme syntymää. Minulle oli tarjottu mahdollisuutta aikaisemminkin, mutta silloin kieltäydyin. Olin ja olen edelleenkin tarkka perheeni yksityisyydestä ja haluan varjella sitä tiettyyn pisteeseen saakka. Pitkän pohdinnan jälkeen mietin asian niin, että blogit ja sosiaalinen media on tätä päivää ja minusta on mukava jakaa onnen hetkiä, ilon aiheita ja kauniita kuvia lukijoilleni. Niin kauan kun miehelläni Kimillä on ura F1:ssä, aion olla hänen tukenaan ja matkustaa mahdollisimman moniin kisoihin poikamme Robinin kanssa. Halusin kuitenkin myös jotain omaa, jotain mitä voisin tehdä siinä ohessa. Oman blogin pitäminen alkoi tuntumaan hyvältä idealta ja tässä ollaan. Tällä matkalla haluan oppia paremmaksi kirjoittajaksi ja todella paljon paremmaksi valokuvaajaksi. Jonain kauniina päivänä ostan kunnon kameran ja opettelen käyttämään sitä, jotta saan parempia kuvia blogiini. Toivon, että voin blogini kautta olla nuorille naisille ja äideille esimerkkinä ja inspiraation lähteenä. Blogini tulee siis olemaan pintaraapaisu perheeni elämää ja muissa sydäntäni lähellä olevissa asioissa mennään vähän pintaa syvemmällekin.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Barcelona is always a good idea!18.5.2015 by vgvv | This place does not get bored, ever. Lomailin for the fifth time in Barcelona and I believe in always more when the last time. Just over an hour away by plane and in the same place has everything you might need while on holiday. The air is wonderfully sunny, but not too hot at this time of the year. Close to the city centre has a number of beaches, making it one of the best destinations in the city combines the beach and the city. Barcelona has a pretty great shopping opportunities if a vacation makes the mind also go shopping. Here are the brands, in addition to the wonderful small boutique shops, where to find clothes, what does not come out, each against the other. Ashamed to admit how little I've been exploring the many historic sights of Barcelona. Items can be found in abundance in the history of the hungry.You never get tired of Barcelona. This was my fifth visit and each time I love it even more. It is only a one hour flight away and has everything a holidaymaker could possibly need. The weather at this time of year is lovely and sunny but not too hot. There are several beaches close to the city center which make for a perfect combination of beach holiday and city break. If you like to shop in Barcelona has it all. Of course there's the well known high street brands, but there's also loads of small boutiques for those special items you don't see is every second person you meet. I am ashamed to admit how little I've checked out Barcelona's historical sights. There is really a lot to do and see for those hungry for history. IMG_5799Well my friend is a beauty salon, Vilanova, about a 40-minute drive from the Centre of Barcelona. We stayed there for one whole day, relaxing and nauruntäyteisen. Treatments from head to toe and a little bit of sparkling drink. Perfect girls day!A good friend of mine has a beauty salon in Vilanova, which is located in a 40-minute drive from the city. We spent a full day there relaxing and laughing with treatments from head to toe and some sparkling wine. A perfect girlie day!IMG_5539 We have a boat here in Barcelona and kerkesimme to spend there one evening with good food and company. I really enjoy a lot of boating and I'll be sure to make a post about the Mediterranean Sea during the summer.We have a boat here in Barcelona and had the time to spend an evening on board with good food and great company. I really enjoy boating and will definitely post from the Mediterranean Sea this summer.IMG_5528 Over the weekend, formula one races for the jännitettiin site. In addition to driving in a race against a lot of spouses of Canadian dress. My asuvalintani in this race to the end of the week were such (not exactly the traditional asukuvia, but may be able to give you some idea of those)Last weekend we were at the Spanish GP. Apart from the driving, the partners, the outfits are a hot topic. This is the outfit I chose this weekend (not exactly the traditional outfit in the pics, but maybe you get an idea)copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor/XPB Images top BCBGMAXAZRIA pants, ZARA bag, CHANEL shoes, CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTINcopy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor/XPB Imagestop BCBGMAXAZRIAtrousers FROM ZARAbag by CHANELheels CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor/XPB Images top TIBI jeans ZARA bag VALENTINO heels CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTINcopy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor/XPB Imagestop of TIBIjeans FROM ZARAbag VALENTINOheels CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN The highlight of the weekend was definitely my first mother's day on Sunday, when the 25th anniversary. The best day of the year, and then it can get too much pampering comes in. I have a feeling really happy and proud of the fact that I've been to this world so incredibly adorable and lovely little boy. I hope all the other mothers were rakkaudentäyteinen mother's day.The highlight of this weekend was definitely a Sunday when we celebrated my first mother's Day. The best day of the year when you just can't be spoilt by enough. I am very happy and proud to have brought this wonderful little boy into the world. Hopefully all you other mothers also had a great mother's day full of love. IMG_5783 Mint 30 commentsKeywords: mother's day, Barcelona, 's formula, family, styleOn the surface, and a little deeper15.5.2015 by vgvv | Thank you for this opportunity to the top of the I started to write a blog for the month of January 2015 end right before the debut of our son's birth. I was offered the opportunity of the past, but I refused. I was and am still accurate, my family and I would like to preserve the privacy of it until a certain point. After long deliberation, I wonder so that blogs and social media is to this day, and I think it is nice to share happiness, joy and beautiful pictures of my readers. As long as my husband Kimillä is a career 7-speed semi-automatic gearbox, I'm going to be him and travel in as many races, our son Robin. However, I wanted to also have something of their own, something that I could do it here. Keeping close to the Oman started the blog a good idea, and here we are. On this trip I would like to learn to be better as an author and really much better photographer. One fine day I'll buy a decent camera and I'm learning to use it, so I can get better pictures on my blog. I hope that I can be young women and mothers through my blog as an example and source of inspiration. My blog will thus be scratched the surface with my family life, and in other cases, close to my heart goes a little bit on the surface of the syvemmällekin.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Barcelona is always a good idea! 05/18/2015 by mint smith | This place does not get bored ever. Holiday Il for the fifth time in Barcelona and I always have more in the previous session. Just over an hour's flight away, and in the same place has everything you might need while on holiday. The air is wonderfully sunny but not too hot this time of year. Near the center there are several beaches, make this city one of the best destinations to combine beach and city holidays. Barcelona is just great for shopping if you leave you feel like shop also. Here is a wonderful addition to well-known brands to small boutiques where to find clothes that will not be just against each. Ashamed to admit how little I have visited the Barcelona to several historical sites. Items found in abundance in the history of the hungry. You never get tired of Barcelona. This was my fifth visit and each time I love it even more. It is only a one hour flight away and has everything a holidaymaker could possibly` need. The weather at this time of year is lovely and sunny but not too hot. There are several beaches close to the city center Which make for a perfect combination of beach holiday and city break. If you like to shop in Barcelona has it all. Of course there's the well known high street brands, but there's also loads of small boutiques For Those special items you do not see on every second person you meet. I am ashamed to admit how little I've checked out Barcelona's historical sights. There is really a lot to do and see for Those hungry for history. IMG_5799 A good friend of mine has a beauty salon Vilanova, about a 40-minute drive from the center of Barcelona. We stayed there for one whole, relaxing and laughter-filled day. Treatments from head to toe and a bit of sparkling wine. Perfect girls day! A good friend of mine has a beauty salon in Vilanova, Which is located a 40 minute drive from the city. We spent a full day there relaxing and laughing with treatments from head to toe and some sparkling wine. A perfect girlie day! IMG_5539 We have a boat here in Barcelona and we had time to spend there one evening with good food and club activities. I really enjoy swimming, boating, and I certainly do during the summer post about the Mediterranean Sea. We have a boat here in Barcelona and had time to spend an evening on board with good food and great company. I really enjoy boating and will definitely post from the Mediterranean Sea this summer. IMG_5528 weekend tensioned Formula One races on the spot. In addition to a race driving a lot of the spouses announce the dress. My choice for all this race weekend was such (not just those traditional asukuvia, but maybe those some idea gets :) Last weekend we were at the Spanish GP. Apart from the driving, the partners outfits are a hot topic. This is the outfit I chose this weekend (not exactly the traditional outfit pics, but maybe you get an idea :) copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images Top BCBGMAXAZRIA pants ZARA bag CHANEL shoes Christian Louboutin copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images top BCBGMAXAZRIA trousers ZARA bag Chanel heels Christian Louboutin copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images Top Tibi jeans ZARA bag VALENTINO heels Christian Louboutin copy of publication required for printed pictures. Every used picture is fee-liable. © Copyright: Batchelor / XPB Images top Tibi jeans ZARA bag VALENTINO heels Christian Louboutin Weekend was definitely the highlight of Sunday was celebrated when my first Mother's Day. The best day of the year, and even then can get too much pampering attention. I am really happy and proud feeling that I may have in this world so incredibly sweet and lovely little boy. I hope all the other mothers had the love of a busy Mother's Day. The highlight this weekend was definitely the Sunday when we celebrated my first Mother's Day. The best day of the year when you just can not be spoiled enough. I am very happy and proud to have brought` this wonderful little boy into the world. Hopefully all you other mothers Also had a great Mother's Day full of love. IMG_5783 Mint 30 comments Keywords: Mother's Day, Barcelona, ​​formulas, family, style, surface, and a little bit deeper 5/15/2015 by mint smith | Home thank you for this opportunity to I started to write blogs At the end of january 2015, just before his son's birth. For me, was offered the possibility before, but when I refused. I was and am still observe the privacy of my family and I want to keep it up to a point. After much deliberation, I wondered matter so that blogs and social media is to this day, and I think it is nice to share moments of happiness, joy topics and beautiful pictures of my readers. As long as the husband Kim is a career in F1, I'm going to have to support him and to travel to as many competitions son, Robin. However, I also wanted something of their own, something I could do on the side. Keeping your own blog started feeling like a good idea, and here we are. On this trip I want to learn better writer and actually a lot better photographer. One fine day I buy a decent camera and I'm learning to use it in order to get better pictures on my blog. I hope that I can through my blog to be young women and mothers as an example and source of inspiration. My blog will thus be scratched the surface of my family life and the other in the close to my heart we always go a little bit deeper level than just the surface.

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